
Published Works


Patent: A System and a Method for object position tracking and classification (Patent Application No.: 202341052891)

Patent: A System and a Method for the Internet of Things (IoT) Healthcare Framework (Patent Application No.: 202341075746 )

Patent: A System and a Method for Simulating and analyzing surface bioluminiscence  (Patent Application No.: 202441039763)

Ongoing Works

Harvesting Predictions: ARIMA Models in Telangana’s Agriculture (Accepted for presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Numerical Optimization in Engineering and Sciences (NOIEAS 2024)

Adaptive Ant Colony Optimization for Dynamic Image Segmentation: A Robust Approach to Versatile Clustering (In the final stage of revision)

Ground Motion Model for Acceleration Response Spectra using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (Submitted to Natural Hazards)

A Deep Learning Prediction Model for On-Site Earthquake Early Warning in India (Submitted to Natural Hazards Review)

Enhanced Seismic Ground Motion Modelling with Conditional Variational Autoencoders (Submitted to Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering)

CRATER: Comprehensive Regression and Automated Terrain Evaluation for Researching Martian Impacts (Under Progress)

Industrial Projects, Professional Work Experience and Internships

Project Collaborator

Working on a project proposed under the aegis of the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Research Intern

Worked on fringe correction in microscopic images at Kobe University, Hyogo, Japan.

Project Associate, TATA Innoverse Solver hunt 10 (A collaborative industrial problem-solving initiative of Tata Son's Group Innovation).

Research Intern at Arab East Colleges, Saudi Arabia.

Project Trainee and Intern at UST Global (Trivandrum, Kerala, India).

Board Member, Board of Studies (BoS), Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University AP- Andhra Pradesh, India.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University AP - Andhra Pradesh, India.
