My Web Portfolio - My Virtual Footprint

Introducing myself... Pavan Mohan Neelamraju...

I am currently pursuing my master's degree in the Inter-disciplinary Research Program at the Indian Institute of Technology - Madras. My passion lies in the realm of decision sciences and its remarkable potential for data-based learning.

Within this fascinating field, I specialize in applied Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques, dedicated to unlocking the insights and possibilities hidden within the data. My primary focus revolves around utilizing the data for effective decision-making.

Actively engaging in seminars, workshops, and research publications is an integral part of my academic journey. I thrive on sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, and contributing to the academic community. Through these collaborative efforts, I aim to explore the latest developments and make meaningful contributions to my field.

As you navigate my website, you will discover my endeavours in the realm of decision sciences and information processing, which I have undertaken. Join me on this exciting exploration, as I am currently looking forward to collaborate. 

It is always a good time to say "Hello"!!👋🏽🙂📩

Research Gate
Latest Update: 01:15 PM, 10 Sep 2024 (Indian Standard Time - IST).